"bad message" error on uploading certain filenames with SFTP
Tried to upload some files via SFTP and got the following error:
This happens for example for this filename: "急上昇に載りました...朝通知きてびっくりして泣きながら録画しました...その一部始終をありのままに...視聴者さん、本当にありがとう。夢絶対叶えるよ私は。-goQVVwxr.zip" It also happens with more characters in the name, but removing the r at the end allows it to be uploaded.
This does not happen with SCP.
Bad message (badly formatted packet or protocol incompatibility). Error code: 5 Error message from server: Bad message
This happens for example for this filename: "急上昇に載りました...朝通知きてびっくりして泣きながら録画しました...その一部始終をありのままに...視聴者さん、本当にありがとう。夢絶対叶えるよ私は。-goQVVwxr.zip" It also happens with more characters in the name, but removing the r at the end allows it to be uploaded.
This does not happen with SCP.