[don't work] 'Skip all' files or folders that does not exist after connection lost



[don't work] 'Skip all' files or folders that does not exist after connection lost


I'm using WinSCP version 5.9 (Build 6786). Thank you for this amazing software!

I've found that sometimes (connection to FTP server could be lost at that moment, but not necessary) it shows an error window with message that file or folder does not exist and description:
System Error. Code: 5.
Access is denied

If I'm trying to use 'Skip all' button, but it works same as 'Skip', so I need to do very much button clicks (it rechecks all previously downloaded files that I used to open or edit) in order to get out of this window and reconnect again (if need) to work further.
Button 'Abort' also works same as 'Skip' button.

There is enough space on disk drive and I don't think that the problem related to anything except the self software, but I may be wrong.

Is it possible to solve this problem?
It happens very rare, but it can take some time to close all similar windows.
  • winscp_error_additional-info.png (9.61 KB, Private file)
Description: Additional info with status bar
  • winscp_error.png (7.71 KB, Private file)
Description: Error window

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: [don't work] 'Skip all' files or folders that does not exist after connection lost

Can you please start by upgrading to the latest version of WinSCP?
5.9 is over 3 years old.

If this does not help, please attach a full session log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).

To generate the session log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you can mark the attachment as private.

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Hello, thanks for reply! I've updated to the latest version, but the problem still occurs.
There are a lot of sensitive data in log, so I'm posting all additional information that I've found right here.

First of all I need to say that WinSCP stores files inside user's temp folder (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\2) under various subfolders, and even if the files are from same folder at FTP it can save them in separate subfolders in local temp folder. For some reason various nested folders in that subfolders become unavailable/unaccessable. And even if I've already closed this files in my editor (I use Notepad++), this problem can occur after some time (days or weeks). I'm having the programs running, files opened and don't shutdown the PC.

After I connected to my FTP host and trying to edit the file `/var/www/someuser/data/www/somewebsite/somefolder/somefile.js` it is being downloaded and stored inside local user temp folder to this path `C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\2\scp07593\var\www\someuser\data\www\somewebsite\somefolder\somefile.js`, where `scp07593` - is folder name with random digits. Next, when this problem occurs this file could be closed in text editor or opened, it doesn't matters, it can happen in both of this cases. So after some time (few hours, days or weeks after file was opened in text editor while downloaded via WinSCP) this problem occurs and when I manually check the folder `C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\2\scp07593\var\www\someuser\data\www\somewebsite\somefolder\` to see if the file is there and if I can access it, I notice that I can open all folders until the last one - `somefolder`. When I'm trying to open this folder windows tells me: 'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\2\scp07593\var\www\someuser\data\www\somewebsite\somefolder\ is not accessible. Access is denied'. When I'm checking Advanced Security Settings for this folder it says: 'You do not have permissions to view or edit this object's permissions settings.'. If this file was opened in my text editor (Notepad++) and I navigate to that file Notepad++ says that this file doesn't exist anymore and asks me if I want to keep it in editor.

And in various situations that could be various numbers of files (fewer than 10 or a lot more, up to 100 even), so when I click `Skip all` button and it (WinSCP) doesn't skip all of that files with same problem it can take a lot of time to continue clicking until the end..

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Site Admin
martin avatar

So you keep WinSCP open all those "few hours, days or weeks"? And you do not update those files. But WinSCP suddenly starts trying to upload the file, as if they had been changed. And it fails to upload them, as they are in that strange locked state. As that correct?

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martin wrote:

So you keep WinSCP open all those "few hours, days or weeks"?
Yes, I don't close it, since it's on VPS, I'm fine with it.

martin wrote:

And you do not update those files. But WinSCP suddenly starts trying to upload the file, as if they had been changed. And it fails to upload them, as they are in that strange locked state. As that correct?
When this problem occurs some files could be updated during last 1-2 days, other files could be edited very long time ago, and in both cases files could be opened in editor or closed=not opened anywhere except WinSCP trying to access them, while nobody asks to do it. I think WinSCP is not trying to upload them, just access.

Most of time this problem happens not when I'm using VPS, so I can't guess more why it happens. After night I'm connecting to VPS and sometimes I see this. Once in a week maybe.

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