index.html not transfering with updated information



index.html not transfering with updated information

I have been using WinSCP to transfer my html & jpg files for my webpage. For some reason today with a new index file the index.html file will not update. I have tried deleting the file, closing the WinSCP app and then reopen and try again several times. Also tried saving as index2.html then renaming once the file was transferred. Tried saving index.html in a different location prior to transferring. Still it is not showing any updated information I have created. The updated info is only text, nothing special or fancy to it. I can update text on my other linked pages, just not the index. I am not receiving any error messages, the information just will not update. I have the same permissions as my other pages on this site, rw-r--r--. I've attached a snapshot of the page
Version 5.21.3
Can anyone please help me with this? I'm no expert on webpages, but have been doing html for many years. Thank you!


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: index.html not transfering with updated information

So I assume the actual data got to the web server, right? It's just the web server that keeps displaying the old contents, despite the file being updated correctly. So it does not seem to be WinSCP issue. It's rather about the webserver.

See also Why are the changes, I upload to webserver, not visible in the web browser? (though as you claim to have the issue, even if you rename the file, it might not actually be helpful)

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