How to modify the directory listing in .NET assembly

Brisbane, Australia

How to modify the directory listing in .NET assembly

In relation to my previous post:
Testing for remote directory existence before copying files

It appears that my directory listing format cannot be parsed. I have seen several posts where the suggested solution is to modify the ls command using sed to produce a format that will be parsed correctly, but I cannot see how to do this in .NET. Can someone point me in the direction of the doco or an example of how to do this?

I've found some pages on this subject such as Converting Script to Code Based on .NET Assembly
however I can't see how to actually do the mapping. I'm assuming that you create a custom command string that is run in place of the ls command; I should be able to make a script but how is the mapping done?

Mote - I cannot use SFTP as the server only supports SCP.


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