File Transfer Confirmation



File Transfer Confirmation

I use WinSCP to upload files from our server to our outsourced billing office. I am wondering if there is some sort of file transfer notification report that can be utilized as an audit trail for what has been transferred. Or, can I get a notification alert when files have been transferred? My current audit trail is just doing a print screen of what I have transferred each day, and saving it on our drive. Please advise...

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File Transfer Confirmation

When I submit a file (drag and drop a file from my server to the outbox), I am looking for a confirmation that shows my file has, indeed, been received by the other party. Is any sort of report or confirmation available for this?

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My WinSCP keep sending mail notification . However there are not any file transferred happened.

My WinSCP action has Mailreport DL set up. Which keep sending mail notification every 15 minute, as per the actions polling schedule. How can I resolve that issue?

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: My WinSCP keep sending mail notification . However there are not any file transferred happened.

@same: I do not know what is "WinSCP action". WinSCP itself does not have any "action", nor can it send any emails. Ever. You are probably using WinSCP from some other system that is sending the notifications.

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My WinSCP keep sending mail notification . However there is not any file has been transferred

Hi Martin,

Thank you for reply . We have setup Actions to transfer the files in FTPscheduler. We are using WinSCP Client to connect Remote site. In our Action there is MailReports where we used to keep email id which send the report once file completed the transfer . In my case, it keep getting notification every after 15 minutes while there are not any files have been transferred.

Let us know if you have any solution for keeping the Mailreports email ID and stopping this notifications.

Thank you

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: My WinSCP keep sending mail notification . However there is not any file has been transferred

@same: I do not know FTPscheduler nor MailReports. As I have written above, you seem to be using some 3rd party tools for the scheduling/notifications, that have nothing or little to do with WinSCP. If you need our help, you have to tell us much more about, how those tools are getting integrated with WinSCP (what commandline you are using and how are you testing if a file was transferred or not).

We have a sample script, that shows, how WinSCP scripting can be integrated with email notifications: Emailing script results

Your system must be doing something similar. But we cannot know the details.

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