Can't create .filepart with a file that has no extension.
I'm using 6.3.6. I have several commands getting and putting files with extensions that are working fine, just won't work with non extension files. I've browsed Google for a solution but none are working.
I've tried...
The error
I've tried...
get /usr/bin/php # (this throws error and halts the script) get /usr/bin/php* # (this throws error and halts the script) get /usr/bin/php*. # (this throws "file not found" but continues with the rest of the commands i.e. put)
command in a .bat file.
"open sftp://root:[password]@%IPAddress%/ -hostkey=* -rawsettings ProxyPort=0" ^ "get /usr/bin/php* "%BuildDir%\Backup\PHP\"" ^
Session started. Active session: [1] root@ php | 0 B | 0.0 KB/s | binary | 0% Can't create file 'E:\Backup\PHP\php.filepart'. System Error. Code: 3. The system cannot find the path specified (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)kip, Ski(p) all: Abort Error