Auto-Retry Download not available
Hi Support,
We are currently using WinSCP to daily download data from an FTP site. The FTP site's connection is not very reliable and sometimes times out on file downloads.
We execute the download via a batch file:
"C:\Program Files\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" -ini="C:\Program Files\WinSCP\WinSCP.ini" /script=%FTPFile% /log=%Logfile%
The FTPFile Parameter is a .FTP file with the username and password information for the connection.
The LogFile Parameter sets the location where to dump the logfile
The problem we are having is that when WinSCP is called upon in the script, sometimes the download does not get all the files and fails. I open WinSCP, connect manually to the FTP site and download the files manually. At times, during transfers, I get a popup saying the connection timed out on the file and it gives me an option to retry, abort, cancel, close etc... I select retry and the file downloads fine.
I cannot find any option for auto-retries on file transfers in the preferences. Is this a feature that is not available in WinSCP? The ability to retry is (Manually) But auto-retries do not seem to be available. This would help us greatly, having an auto-retry - with an editable value for the number of auto-retries before failing.
We are running WinSCP 4.1.8 Build 415 on a Windows 2003 Server.
Most of the time the downloads are fine, but in the mornings (Possibly heavy traffic to the FTP site) we have been getting more and more failures, due to timeouts.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
We are currently using WinSCP to daily download data from an FTP site. The FTP site's connection is not very reliable and sometimes times out on file downloads.
We execute the download via a batch file:
"C:\Program Files\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" -ini="C:\Program Files\WinSCP\WinSCP.ini" /script=%FTPFile% /log=%Logfile%
The FTPFile Parameter is a .FTP file with the username and password information for the connection.
The LogFile Parameter sets the location where to dump the logfile
The problem we are having is that when WinSCP is called upon in the script, sometimes the download does not get all the files and fails. I open WinSCP, connect manually to the FTP site and download the files manually. At times, during transfers, I get a popup saying the connection timed out on the file and it gives me an option to retry, abort, cancel, close etc... I select retry and the file downloads fine.
I cannot find any option for auto-retries on file transfers in the preferences. Is this a feature that is not available in WinSCP? The ability to retry is (Manually) But auto-retries do not seem to be available. This would help us greatly, having an auto-retry - with an editable value for the number of auto-retries before failing.
We are running WinSCP 4.1.8 Build 415 on a Windows 2003 Server.
Most of the time the downloads are fine, but in the mornings (Possibly heavy traffic to the FTP site) we have been getting more and more failures, due to timeouts.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.