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Raw Session Settings

You can use raw session settings to setup advanced session settings,


Common advanced settings settings:

Name Description Values
PingType Keepalives1 0 = Off, 1 = Sending of null SSH packets, 2 = Executing dummy protocol commands
PingIntervalSecs Seconds between keepalives
ProxyMethod Proxy type 0 = None, 1 = SOCKS4, 2 = SOCKS5, 3 = HTTP, 4 = Telnet, 5 = Local
ProxyHost Proxy host name
ProxyHost Proxy port number

To find correct syntax for settings not listed above, configure the setting in the GUI, store it into a stored session, save configuration to an INI file and use the same syntax as in an INI file.

  1. Enabling keepalives has very limited effect in scripting (except for keepuptodate command) and almost no effect in .NET assembly.Back

Last modified: by martin