I have seen this topic multiple times on this site, but I have yet to have a solution that will fix this error:
"Transfer was successfully finished, but temporary transfer file 'filename.filepart' could not be renamed to target file name 'filename.837r' No such file or directory. Error code 2. Error message from server: /filename.filepart does not exist
I get this error when I run the following script in the task manager:
# Push to NHA script
# Automate process usings Windows Task Scheduler and the following parameters
# In the Action Tab Program/script: "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.com"
# In the Action Tab Add arguments: /console /log=C:\scripts\logs\Push_to_NHA.txt /script=C:\scripts\Push_to_NHA.txt
option batch continue
option confirm off
open NHA
cd /
put CDH_NE_NHA*.* -delete
I can use WinSCP manually and get the file to transfer and that is where I can see the error above. What is interesting is that the file DOES transfer but I can never see it land in the folder on the remote server, but it will be found uploaded within the site. What seems to be happening is I upload the file manually and as soon as it touches the remote SFTP server is moved, hence the error listed about "file does not exist".
"Enable transfer resume/transfer to temporary filename for" under
Preferences > Transfer > Endurance - this does not seem to help.