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Topic review


@brijesh-soft: Thanks for your feedback.

I upgraded to 6.3.7 today and the fix works perfectly fine.

You may mark this thread as resolved.

@martin Thank you for the update!

@brijesh-soft: 6.4.2 beta has been released already. 6.3.7 will be likely released within two weeks.

Any ETA for the next version which will include this fix?

@brijesh-soft: Thanks for your feedback.


I tested with the development version and it works perfectly fine.

Thank you for the quick fix.

Looking forward to the new version with this fix.

Hi Martin,

WinSCP version v6.3.6 (Build 15073 2024-11-25)
. 2024-12-27 16:25:38.146 [Tunnel] Opening connection to x.x.x.x:xxxx for forwarding from

I noticed one more thing the servers with which I face this issue are connected via proxy tunnel.

  • Server details is saved in WinSCP without the password
  • Proxy connection is done via PPK. WinSCP -> Advanced Settings -> Connection -> Tunnel all details are saved including the ppk file path
  • Upon opening the connection it asks for the server password
  • After entering the password the server is logged in
  • When I open PuTTY it asks for a password

Hope this helps.

If you are still unable to replicate the issue I will share the logs.

@brijesh-soft: Please attach a full session log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).

To generate the session log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you can mark the attachment as private.

I have that setting enabled. Please check screenshot below.

Maybe there is another setting overwriting this or its a bug that this setting is not working?
Note: I am able to replicate the same behavior on several Windows PCs.

Re: Passwords are not sending to PuTTY

This has something to do with WinSCP update. Because it happens with PuTTY as well as when editing files using WinSCP UI. It asks passwords after some idle time and every time when opening a new PuTTY.

I have observed this in detail and this issue occurs if I have not saved the password in my WinSCP saved sessions.

  1. If Password is saved in Saved Sessions in WinSCP – There is no problem. Everything works as it was before. Passwords as passed to PuTTY and WinSCP file edits.

  2. If Password is not saved in my Saved Sessions in WinSCP – It never passes the password to PuTTY and while editing files from WinSCP UI it asks password first time and again keeps asking after a few idle minutes. This did not used to happen until past few months.

Passwords are not sending to PuTTY

I work with WinSCP about 5 years and I never had this problem.
I upgrade my PuTTY to version putty-64bit-0.82 on Windows 11.
After this upgrade my login session from WinSCP not sent to PuTTY and everytime putty ask me.
Passphrase for key "rsa-key-xxxx"

My PuTTY is in C:\winscp\PuTTY\putty.exe
This problem is very bad.
Please help me.