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Re: Odd text file transfer result

Thanks for your post. This issue is being tracked already.

Re: Odd text file transfer result

Here you go.

Re: Odd text file transfer result

Please post Debug-2 level log file showing download of the one (and only the one) file.

Re: Odd text file transfer result

Yes. Even when I transfer a single file it corrupts as well. If I zip the file and transfer the zip, everything is fine. And I've tried the transferring the file as text and binary, and both ways it's corrupt.

Re: Odd text file transfer result

If you download single file you are having problems with manually, does it corrupt it as well?

Odd text file transfer result

Hi all, I'm using an automated script to sync several directories from remote sites back to my SFTP server. Today I was opening a few of the text files, and while almost all of them were fine, one specific set of files that are generated out of an electronic data capture too (the process auto-generates the files on the fly) come over total screwed. For example:

here's a few lines of a file on the remote machine before it is moved:
*** Header Start ***

VersionPersist: 1
LevelName: Session
LevelName: Block
LevelName: Trial

And here's what they look like once I get them after they've been transfered:
*** Header Start ***

਍嘀攀爀猀椀漀渀倀攀爀猀椀猀琀㨀 ㄀ഀഀ
LevelName: Session
਍䰀攀瘀攀氀一愀洀攀㨀 䈀氀漀挀欀ഀഀ
LevelName: Trial

Every other line seems to be trashed.

In my current script I'm not doing anything to change any default settings for the transfer so I assumed they'd be set to auto for transfer type. But All the other text files come over just fine. Even ones created on the fly just before the transfer.

All my script does is this:
open mysavedsession
option batch on
option confirm off
synchronize remote "c:\life Upload" \Computer1\Upload
synchronize remote "c:\life Eprime" \Computer1\ePrime
synchronize remote "c:\life MAT-SF" \Computer1\MAT-SF
synchronize remote "c:\life AccelerometryData" \Computer1\AccelerometryData

Any thoughts?