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.NET assembly / COM library


c# - Copy only new files from Zip

Simple .NET Set Up - System.TimeoutException

FilePermissiosn in VBScript

Programmatically change the Key Exchange Algorithm used.

Special Characters in Password

SCP Protocol Failing with Blank Password (.NET)

How do I send "sudo /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server" in .NET

PowerShell v4.0 Add-Type fails

connecting to a sftp site with a public key

control temp files

SSH host key fingerprint does not match pattern

No methods present in tlb/ocx component

as espesifico WinSCP to use SSH1

but error occurred while setting the permissions and/or timestamp

Error when I open a session

WinSCP TimeOut

WinSCP process terminated with exit code 3 and output ""

Password Changes

VB.NET 2013 . Documentation


ExeSessionProcess.GetExecutablePath() doesn't search in 'Program Files (x86)' directory

WINSCP inside my web site.

WinSCP 557 installation

  • 2016-04-15 23:06
  • node

VB.NET: How to interpret Upload Results

Unexpected Error: "Element already read to the end"

in C# how do you turn off the TransferResumeSupport option.

Maintain Folder Structure

FTPS error: Operation not permitted

GetFiles method returns timeout exception for big files

Disabling transfer resume support and setting the transfer mode not working for me

server sent: publickey

  • 2016-03-14 12:24
  • sap

WinScp C# MVC not working on server

.net Assembly in Vsual studio 2010

Getting FTP server response codes

VBA Excel 2010 64bit hangs

Using WinSCP COM with VB6

SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers.

Still getting error on Fingerprint but partner not using


ProgressBar update

Server refused to start a shell/command

.NET assembly does not save the xml log file

.Net Assembly - Error: Exception: WinSCP.SessionLocalException: Element "cwd" not found in the log f

Powershell unable to get TlsHostCertificateFingerprint in correct format

.NET assembly - getting Permission Denied. Error Code: 3 on SFTP.

Excel VBA sessionoption object returns Activex cannot create object error

Directory Deleted Unexpectly During GetFiles

WinSCP: SFTP, FTP and SCP client has stopped working

The .NET assembly duplicates my local folder

Terminate the download path with a slash "/" or not?

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