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.NET assembly / COM library


Does this delete work in FTP?

How to update remote desktops that requiere admin privileges

authentication failing

Powershell session.putfiles: Getting 'Host "hostname sourcefile destfile" does not exist'

Difference in using SFTP or FPT

Problems trying to connect throug vba

Open WinSCP on specific folder from VBA

  • 2016-01-11 12:32
  • vrs

Sync Folder from Window to Linux - Uploaded file permission not change


Need to abort ExecuteCommand before it returns

the true here does that mean it delete the source file?

Having problem to move the records to our archive folder

Building and Transferring File in Memory

Now getting overwrite not allowed

Running a .bat script via WinSCPNet.dll

File being truncated

Powershell automatic retry or skip.

Error in writing to the remote server

WINSCPNET Set Protocol Version

Partial Synchronization

Migratin .Net Assembly Project To Server

Element "cwd" not found in the log file

Now to place files

Getting the total volume of data transferred in a session

File name not valid, can you explain what is the issue?

Latest winscp.dll file

.dll files are not synchronized with .net assembly

Root folder deleted using PutFiles with remove switch enabled

Slow ListDirectory Method

SSH host key fingerprint "ssh-rsa 2048 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx" does not mat

How to catch errors correctly? server unreachable, fingerprint wrong, access denied, etc.

Need to delete the files on the server after we pull them.

Add append function in PutFiles when using .Net Assembly

All steps OK but not getting the files in .NET

Existing files are copied to destination every time

C# Application - Certificate Error when Establishing a Connection

powershell 5.0.10240.16384 error - unable to find type [WinSCP.Protocol]

Exclude File in SynchronizationMode

.net Automation with Proxy

Arithmetic Overflow

How to Sync and Remove using C#

SshPrivateKeyPath Usage

Encrypting the SFTP server password

WinSCP and WIN7 - Blue Screen

ResumeSupport Option in VBScript

.net not authenticating with same credentials that work for the native app

OverallProgress mostly 0 for PutFiles

When uploading large files Say 200-300 MB using ,net Library it fails with error code 4

create a connection with winscp

Directory delete questions

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