How to incorporate FileTransferProgress in VBA
I am using the .NET library via Excel VBA to connect and download/upload to my remote server using the Webdav protocol. Everything works. I just need to have the download/upload progress status in the status bar in excel. Looked through some codes in VB and PowerShell regarding
My download code is similar to this and it works great but without any download progress info:
event/class, but can't seem to link the FileTransferProgress
into VBA. Can anyone help me on this.
My download code is similar to this and it works great but without any download progress info:
Private Sub download(ByRef mySession As Session) ' Setup session options Dim mySessionOptions As New SessionOptions With mySessionOptions .Protocol = Protocol_Webdav .HostName = "" .PortNumber = 443 .UserName = "username" .Password = "password" .WebdavSecure = True .TlsClientCertificatePath = "path_to_key" End With ' Connect mySession.Open mySessionOptions NameFile = "name_of_file" RemotePath = "name_of_file" Dim transferResult As TransferOperationResult Set transferResult = mySession.GetFiles(RemotePath, NameFile, False) ' Throw on any error transferResult.check ' Display results Dim transfer As TransferEventArgs For Each transfer In transferResult.Transfers MsgBox "Downloaded" Next End Sub