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WinSCP 是在Windows中使用SSH的開放原始碼的圖形化SFTP用戶端。WinSCP同時也支援SCP通訊協定。它主要的功能是安全的在電腦間傳輸檔案。
正體中文版本的WinSCP尚未翻譯完成。若您能接受半中文的畫面(編按: 相信我,您不需要),首先請安裝英文版。到WinSCP下載並選擇「Installation package」。然後到翻譯下載、解壓縮繁體中文(編按: 應是正體中文)的ZIP壓縮檔,然後把語言檔放在與WinSCP執行檔相同的資料夾(就是安裝的目的地)。請看完整說明。
- 圖形使用者介面
- 多國語言介面(正體中文有待大家支持中)
- Windows整合 (拖放檔案、通訊協定登記、捷徑)
- 所有普通的檔案操作功能
- 支援SSH-1和SSH-2上的SFTP與SCP通訊協定
- 批次指令檔的scripting與命令列介面
- 用許多不同的方式同步目錄
- 內建文字編輯器
- 支援SSH密碼、keyboard-interactive、公開金鑰與Kerberos (GSS) 認證方式
- 內建Pageant (PuTTY Agent)完整支援公開金鑰認證法
- 檔案總管式與Norton Commander式兩種操作介面.
- 可選擇儲存session資料
- 可選擇支援獨立運作將登錄資料存在一設定檔,適合在隨身媒體上使用
WinSCP可以做所有簡單的檔案操作,包括下載與上傳檔案。它也可以重新命名檔案與資料夾、新增資料夾、變更內容、建立假名連結(symbolic links)與捷徑。
Using WinSCP, it is possible to connect to a SSH (Secure Shell) server with SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) or SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) service, mainly to UNIX machines. SFTP is a standard part of SSH-2 package. SCP is a standard part of SSH-1 package. Both protocols can be run even on the latter SSH version. WinSCP supports both SSH-1 and SSH-2.
There are two selectable program interfaces with plenty of configuration options in WinSCP.
You will have the first chance to select your preferred user interface during installation. You may want to change your preference later.
If you are using WinSCP for the first time, you may wish to select the Explorer-like interface as it should be familiar to any Windows user. However if you are used to the concept of Norton Commander, used by several contemporary file managers (Total Commander, FAR, Servant Salamander), choose this one. Norton Commander interface is primarily focused on easy keyboard control. You can use it without ever touching mouse. One who is used to it can perform the operations much faster.