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.NET assembly / COM library
Using MemoryStream as source file for FTP Upload
decrypt SssHostKeys in Winscp.ini
Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond - XML Logging Issue
Determine if password is incorrect
Option batch
Copying WinSCP.exe to the Bin directory
Multi Instance of Winscp.dll
Reading Password from File as Secure String
Error by session.ExecutablePath
Error using GetFiles
Error downloading file in in directory
Authenticate using keyboard-interactive authentication
ExecuteCommand and call
session.SynchronizeDirectories: e.touch is Nothing
FTPS Implicit mode with certificate
Session.GetFiles fails with "Can't get attributes of file"
WinSCP. NET Assembly Source
Error loading assembly in Powershell
ExecuteCommand issues
Disable transfer resume/transfer to temporary filename
SynchronizeDirectories show files not transferred
Doing PUTs and GETs with the file payload as a FileStream
Using Com object for SFTP in VBS file
c# SessionOptions.AddRawSettings not work
TimeOut not corresponding to the documentation
Getting RemoteFileInfo.LastWriteTime is incorrect
passphase for key "imported-openssh-key"
Synchronize each directories
TransferOptions FileMask
How to force IP address for passive mode connections?
connect FTP none Secure
Keep alive
Any examples for connecting FTP over SSL (port 21)?
Slow SFTP transfer on Large Files / Timeout = 0
transferOptions.FilePermissions question.
error Session.ExecuteCommand runing scripts /etc/
Files uploaded to FTP server dont appear on the server
Public Key for PPK file
Code to upload and download files via SFTP using WinSCP
IS FileSystemWatcher for an ftp possible using WINSCP.dll ?
FTP secure not accepting Certificate in .NET assembly
UTF-8 encoded directory name
report progress
Pause/Resume File Transfer
getting the response stream
Could not laod file or assembly
Prevent access to file until upload complete
capturing errors for failed file transfers
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