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.NET assembly / COM library
How do we send SSH_MSG_IGNORE from C# (via .NET library) error
Connection a un SFTP
How to detect internet connection loss during transfer?
.NET assembly log file says User name: (Password: No, Key file: No, Passphrase: No)
File Transfer Issue 5.9.5
C# using .NET assembly not logging onto site but WinSCP Windows app is logging on
WinSCPnet.dll 6.3 missingMethodExceptions : RemoteFileInfoCollection.GetEnumerator
.NET Assembly Error After Upgrading to WinSCP 6.3
TransferOperationResult disposed before I can serialize it.
WinSCP with S3
Taking about 30 seconds to establish an SFTP Connection
Calculate progress of parallel transfers
Cannot create an instance of the following .NET Framework object: assembly WinSCPnet
Golang integration
Downloading larger folders gives TimeoutException
Mask working when downloading files but not when listing
Using Session.PutFile() with stream, returns error Operation not supported
I try to uploading larger files over FTP (MB and GB) and FileProgress always report only 0 and 1.
FileProgress only shows 0 or 1
Problem with Session.PutFilesToDirectory Method
Problems connecting to WebDAV endpoint – SNI disabled in logs
Error if I try to connect to an S3
Command Line posts large files, .NET fails
Cannot find .com File
Error moving file
.NET assembly via Task Scheduler
Exception: No handle of the given name exists.
PutFiles (SFTP) to mainframe dataset
PowerShell SecurePassword
WinSCP NuGet - Does Not Copy WinSCP.exe
Read private key from string (not file)
Call scripting/console interface from .NET API?
".archive" directory created after file upload
PowerShell and AddRawData
Dynamics Ax 2009 - The selected file is not a valid .NET assembly
.NET Assembly Version Conflict
SSH host key fingerprint "ssh-ed25519 255 xxxxxxx" does not match pattern /((ssh-rsa|ssh-dss|ssh...
WinSCP process terminated with exit code 3
Is WinSCP dlls backwards compatible?
WinSCP-release-6.1.1: TransferOptions:PreserveTimestamp = TRUE ignored?
I get Error "Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 2"
SFTP session throwing time out error despite keep-alive enabled
WinSCP.SessionRemoteException Error when connecting with Server
WinSCP process terminated with exit code 3
How to use WinSCP with Azure SSIS integration runtime
WinSCP.exe in .NET Core Lambda function
How to use .NET Assembly / COM Library from Visual FoxPro
C# SFTP Remote Side Panel
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