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Feature Requests
More Putty session support
Is it possilbe to create symbolink on remote side?
enabling UNC-paths and explorer-integration!
Double click launches file
Speed throttling
Grammar errors in License
New Feature Suggestion.....
Navigating the local pane while the right pane is busy reading
just Thanks!
Traffic limitation
remote pack/unpack with gz
progress bar during large transfers
german translation
2 Gigabyte boundary -> Large files invisible mode
direct download to folder without using temp files
Command line execution?
Pageant Support
Delete files from temp dir after sucessful transfer
Feature Request: Registry Entries
"desktop" as standard location, not just drive letters
A little faster.
Open Local Directory
BUG (I think) winscp2 cannot deal with wrong formatted symlinks (get frozen)
Job Scheduler
Remote File Editing / Viewing
File Transfer between two remote hosts
No for All on Overwrite Msgbox
Build #122: Connection Keepalive in Seconds not Minutes
custom ls to avoid directory listing error
trim/ append CR when uploading/downloading a text file
Set user:group in copy window
WinSCP as Servant Salamander plugin
Overwrite only newer files option
Enhancement for Copy
Remember Remote and Local Directory
"Never ask me again"
Default Maximized Window & Remote "Type" Column
Failures in a text status area
Password change?
Reconnect session if session disconnected
Keepind remote directory up to date extension
script execution from winscp.
diagnostic logging and other bits...
Winscp with rbash
Renaming Remote File Problem
installers or and program could have version number included in the name
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