Getting an error when trying to PUT files. -Internal error-


Buenos Aires - Argentina

Getting an error when trying to PUT files. -Internal error-

I'm connecting thru FTP to one of our servers, I'm switching from native ftp on a Windows XP SP 3 to WinSCP to have more control over the process.

Edit: running WinSCP 4.3.2

I'm running a bat that calls WinSCP and afterwards verifies if was completed properly.
echo ****** COMPROBANTES ****** /script=up_comprobantes.cmd 
if errorlevel 1 goto errorComprobantes
the script contains the following:
option batch on
option confirm off
option transfer binary
lcd {path_to_file}\FAE
cd {path_in_server}/FAE
put *.PDF ./
lcd {path_to_file}\FBE
cd {path_in_server}/FBE
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\NCAE
cd {path_in_server}/NCAE
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\NCBE
cd {path_in_server}/NCBE
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\NDAE
cd {path_in_server}/NDAE
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\FCADM
cd {path_in_server}/FCADM
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\FCFHS
cd {path_in_server}/FCFHS
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\FCMCM
cd {path_in_server}/FCMCM
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\FCMAS
cd {path_in_server}/FCMAS
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\FCBRA
cd {path_in_server}/FCBRA
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\FCLOP
cd {path_in_server}/FCLOP
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\FE
cd {path_in_server}/FE
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\NCADM
cd {path_in_server}/NCADM
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\NCBRA
cd {path_in_server}/NCBRA
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\NCFHS
cd {path_in_server}/NCFHS
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\NCLOP
cd {path_in_server}/NCLOP
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\NCMAS
cd {path_in_server}/NCMAS
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\NCMCM
cd {path_in_server}/NCMCM
put *.PDF .
lcd {path_to_file}\NCE
cd {path_in_server}/NCE
put *.PDF .

when run, I'm getting the following output.

N:\Sistemas\FTPWeb>echo off
****** COMPROBANTES ******
batch           on
confirm         off
Connecting to {SERVER} ...
Connected with {SERVER}. Waiting for welcome message...
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Active session: [1] {USER}@{SERVER}
transfer        binary
00002591.PDF              |          0 KiB |    0.0 KiB/s | binary |   0%
Internal error fz#filetransfer (0010).
(A)bort, (R)econnect (2 s):
(A)bort, (R)econnect (2 s): Abort
(A)bort, (R)econnect (1 s): Abort
(A)bort, (R)econnect (1 s): Abort
(A)bort, (R)econnect (1 s): Abort
(A)bort, (R)econnect (1 s): Abort
(A)bort, (R)econnect (1 s): Abort
(A)bort, (R)econnect (1 s): Abort
(A)bort, (R)econnect (0 s): Reconnect
Disconnected from server
Connecting to {SERVER} ...
Connected with {SERVER}. Waiting for welcome message...
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Internal error fz#filetransfer (0010).
(A)bort, (R)econnect (5 s): Abort
Internal error fz#filetransfer (0010).
Copying files to remote side failed.
Session '{USER}@{SERVER}' closed.
No session.
¿Desea terminar el trabajo por lotes (S/N)? N
Subida de Comprobantes fallida, no se movieron los comprobantes.
I really dont know what can cause the Internal Error reported :(

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internal error on saving edit

I lose a text file of 12k, it's php code and I'm almost hiting my head javascript:emoticon(':('). remote machine is open suse, local is xp sp3 winscp is 3.6.0.

I was editing remote file with internal winscp editor, It seems remote machine get full disk and trying to save winscp reports internal error, but exiting of the internal editor the file desapear from the remote machine. I seek every place and the file is gone, but Iwonder if coud be a local copy in some temp file where I coud search for it. :(

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