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Uploads one or more files from local directory to remote directory.

Converting to .NET Assembly

When converting script to .NET Assembly, map put command to Session.PutFiles method.


Parameters mapping: Command parameter file maps to method parameter localPath. When multiple source file parameters are used, you need to call Session.PutFiles multiple times. Command parameter directory/newname maps to method parameter remotePath. You have to convert relative paths to absolute paths.

Switches mapping:

Switch Mapping
-delete Value true ($True in PowerShell) for method parameter remove.
-latest See Uploading the most recent file.
Converting transfer settings scripting switches to .NET assembly class TransferSettings.
-neweronly Not supported. Use Session.SynchronizeDirectories instead.

To emulate the (default) option batch abort mode, call TransferOperationResult.Check on method’s result. See also Capturing results of operations.

For example, following script snippet:

cd /home/martinp
lcd d:\
put -delete -filemask=*>1M -resumesupport=off *.txt *.xml web/

maps to following PowerShell code:

$transferOptions = New-Object WinSCP.TransferOptions
# -filemask=*>1M
$transferOptions.FileMask = "*>1M"
# -resumesupport=off
$transferOptions.ResumeSupport.State = [WinSCP.TransferResumeSupportState]::Off
# Absolute paths + $True for -delete + Two calls for two source parameters
# + calling Check on result to emulate the (default) "option batch abort" mode
$session.PutFiles("d:\*.txt", "/home/martinp/web/", $True, $transferOptions).Check()
$session.PutFiles("d:\*.xml", "/home/martinp/web/", $True, $transferOptions).Check()


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