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Feature Requests


Downloads folder

  • 2024-07-26 15:21
  • gee2803

GitHub repository link

Provide summary of files on the duplicate dialog

Color-differentiated servers in the login dialog

WinSCP should remember its non-maximized window position

Disconnecting due to Server...

Saving the configuration file in UTF-8 encoding with BOM

Backblaze integration

Add settings: Upload edited files by "upload to temp file and move (rename) to realname"

Non-priveledged mode

Background color per Environment (Session)

Add host name to files opened in the temporary location for editing

"Disconnect session" toolbar button

Mac OS version

Option to open via WinSCP SFTP/FTP as a VSC folder

AWS S3: listing directories with tailored AWS S3 API

PuTTY in a tab next to the GUI

Multiple threads

SMB Support

Archives .zip, .rar open like folder while navigating local or mounted network drive

  • 2024-05-24 05:01
  • web5

Import from .ini file on import menu

Login dialog - connection type.

Feature request: WinSCP to support ssh-agent for Windows

Equivalent for Mac

Multipart downloads

Feature idea: Description separate from name

Local storage copy/move speed limit caps

Remote on both sides

  • 2024-05-03 20:41
  • a0459862

Font size

  • 2024-05-02 09:06
  • la00

Thank you very very much

Graceful warning before shutdown, when option selected

Dual Server Panels/Windows

ARM builds missing

  • 2024-04-15 19:14
  • Guest

Config-Toggle for showing file sizes in exact bytes

Change error message when password is expired

Disable SSH shell opening for specific websites

Search available websites

Add TortoiseMerge to Compare Files Extension

Cloud storage integration - Amazon Cloud Drive - OneDrive - Google Drive - Dropbox

Advanced Site Settings: Network: Disable IPv6 / IPv4 Connection Attempt

Keep the Login dialog after "Open in PuTTY"

Can we get old style "connect once" for unknown servers back please?

  • 2024-03-18 04:04
  • Guest

Allow docking of bookmarks or view as tabs (lockable) above remote panel

External harddrive sync

Support Displaying and Modifying File Flags

Add color for folder

Support Tabby as an alternative to PuTTY

  • 2024-03-11 03:09
  • R

Save queue list before exit

Allow skip PuTTY sessions for a connection

Location bookmarks with $VARIABLES

Goto page

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