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Support and Bug Reports
FTP through SSH tunnel not connecting
Key too new
Server refused our key
Error while saving a file
WinSCP File transfer issues
Authentication failed.
Skip calculating directory size is not possible
'' is not recognized as an internal or extenal command, operable program or batch file
No differences recognized despite differing time stamp
Public key authentication not working
Compare Directories - Not Working
Is WinSCP affected by Log4j vulnerability?
WinSCP Connection lost while uploading the 1GB file
.NET assembly: one user gets "cannot open file \\.nul\" every time (details inside)
WinSCP.exe pulls 100 % CPU permanently.
WinSCP quits when screen resolution changes (even with active transfers)
Permission denied when trying to access Docker volume mounted to host machine
Resume Help
hi i need some help please
Uploaded file not showing but once we edit file then WinSCP showing that file command line
Problems with Rename, Delete and Change
FTP connection to NAS shows empty root directory
Is WinSCP vulnerable to Log4J?
WinSCP sometimes hangs (not responding)
Internal editor command
General failure (server should provide error description). Error code: 4 Error message from server:
Comparing time left is not correctly working
Files remain in queue after saving with external editor (Notepad++)
Cannot remove files having extension ".filepart"
Could not authenticate to server: Missing Authentication-Info header Verbinding mislukt.
Not enough memory error
Connect to FTP server using only certificate, without hardcoded password
How to get my email address authorized for automatic updates?
Unable to connect to [1] Server. Always worked before, Other servers work | host is not communicatin
Data integrity check when uploading with WinSCP to Amazon
How to open multiple files from remote servers for editing?
Slow WebDAV?
Typo on website on the Donate page
Connection Failed
Extremely slow downloads of 1GB to 9GB files
No symlinks, owner as number instead of name
Error copying from Win10 drive to RPi/Volumio HDD
Large text files have unwanted Chinese characters
Status Window
Error on opening 1kb file
SFTP site login without giving credentials - Using GSSAPI32.
log4j vulnerability
WinSCP cannot authenticate anymore with openssh-8.8
WinSCP generate HTTP URL error
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